Saturday, October 22, 2011

4 months and 12 days to go...

So, I'm about to wrap up week four and I haven't died yet. I haven't even thrown up. I have learned a few things that I thought might be worth sharing:
Sushi and running don't mix.
Little dogs love to chase joggers.
It helps if you know where you're going.
It's easy to get lost in a familiar musical soundtrack and almost forget how much running sucks.

Jennifer had some ingenious suggestions for me. The one that blew my mind (and I consider myself a decent problem solver) was to thread the cord from the mp3 player to the ear buds through your shirt. I wonder how long I'd wrestle with the cord and catch it on my watch and pull out the ear buds and curse and screw up my breathing before I came to that brilliant solution. Thanks, Jen! She also pointed out that it would be helpful to limit side-to-side motion while swinging your arms. Another one of my favorite suggestions: the double knot. I've been tying my shoes for years, but haven't invested in the double knot since second grade. I'm skeptical of Jennifer's last suggestion: nix the cotton. I love cotton. It is by far my favorite material. I'm sure there is plenty of research to back up the stance that cotton is a runner's nemesis, but I'm holding on until I am able to run enough for cotton to catch up to me. I have no doubt that she's right. She did, after all, solve my mp3 player woes.

This brings me to my progress... In the beginning, a minute seemed like an eternity. It's amazing how a little impact can throw your muscles for a loop. I finished up week three in Tennessee along side Jennifer. It was a little more brisk than I was used to- and those hills... What struck me the most was how the lack of humidity seemed to wreck the inside of my nose. I have never (that I can remember) experienced such an uncomfortable nasal sensation. Week three was all about the three minute jog. It turned out to be not as bad as I thought.

Week four brought about the six minute jog. I can do it; I'd like to do it better. I'll have a little time to improve. Week five continues the six minute stretch with varying other intervals thrown in there. I have some level of confidence about the upcoming week. I'm planning to pay much closer attention to the distance/time relationship. The twelve week program (timed variation) relies on the fact that if you can run/jog for a half hour, then you can complete a 5K. I have to be honest... At my present pace, I doubt that the math works out.

I found a 5K to try in January. That will be at week seventeen. It will probably be cold. It will be six weeks before  the ultimate 5K that inspired this training adventure. The best part of the January race is that sweet baby Eleanor will be able to run with me.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

5 months and 2 days to go...

Obviously, I have no idea what I'm doing. I do know when I need to seek professional advice.

I went to Track Shack in Orlando today to get hooked up with some new shoes.
Saucony... I'll try them out this evening.

I also stopped by Best Buy and picked up an mp3 player. I decided that it would be fun to have a video player for the days when Cardio Theater thinks that I should be enjoying a romantic comedy during my workout. I'm on the hunt for the perfect zombie film to save to a mini SD card. I'm also having the most difficult time thinking of jogging music. My typical music selection doesn't exactly fit with the cadence I assume would be motivating for a  jog.

I had a chat with the CC coach at my school. He suggested more road running for a while. I was a little relieved to hear that, honestly. The other day on the trail was almost demoralizing. I followed it with a little road jogging the following day on account of the scary weather we had. I noticed an immense difference between the two.

The road was reliable and predictable. The trail kicked my butt. It wouldn't have been so terrible, except that I didn't have anything figured out (not that I do now). For example- breathing. It's a little important, as I found out later. I tried experimenting with different breathing methods. I was also very concerned about my footing and almost as concerned about the path and not getting lost. Between breathing poorly and looking up and down and forward and down, I got a little light headed. Everything looked like a snake. Every twig, branch, shadow- I was sure that there were snakes everywhere. The road was just there. I was able to focus on where I was going and less on what might be under foot. It was a much more pleasant experience. It still sucked.

I've talked to a couple of people about this project and everyone thinks that 5 months is plenty of time. I'm not so sure. We'll see how tonight goes. I have music (though I'm not sure it's appropriate), new shoes, new clothes, and a new partner. Sweet Baby Eleanor will be joining me. If I am skipping the trail for a little while to focus on getting this running thing down, there is no reason to go it alone.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Beginning...

5 months and 8 days to go.
It's official. I'm registered. At 3pm on March 3rd I'll start running my very first actual 5k. To add to the excitement, there will be obstacles and a horde of zombies on my heels. We have the folks at to thank for this super awesome concept.

I do have a few concerns: I don't run. Ever. I can't imagine what obstacles might be in store for us. I really don't want to be a zombie.

Because this is more of a trail run, I found a lovely preserve near my home that will serve as my primary training grounds. My plan involves interval training- similar to the Couch-to-5k program, or the one that I am more familiar with, Pooch-to-5k. If I am able to stick with the schedule, I should be a mere twelve weeks from being 5k ready. That does not include the being chased, stalked, or ambushed part. It also doesn't include the obstacle readiness aspect.

I went on a trial visit to Hidden Waters Preserve earlier this week. It is a really intense network of trails with significant hills. My thighs and rump really felt it the following day.

The 12 week 5k readiness program calls for three days per week of training. I'm going to couple that with trips to the gym 4-5 days per week. I'm on the lookout for some basic exercises to incorporate into a routine. I'm pretty much an elliptical junkie; that's all I do at the gym. I have a feeling that will need to change.

I'll post again with some progress or training plans. I'm excited and can't wait to hear what Jen is doing to prepare for this experience!

The photo is used without permission from's facebook page.